Posts Tagged ‘ Turbo ’

Can You Do That?

So a few weeks ago Kevin was talking about turbo charging SS Monte Carlo:

Now, at the time I didn’t know much about turbo charging. I had the general idea, but I was still pretty new to the logistics. I had the general formula down:

turbo = boost, boost = horsepower, horsepower = 🙂

A few weeks ago we were watching a program where they were turbo charging a late 90’s model Ford Lightening. The trick was that they mounted the turbo charger to the exhaust at the rear of the truck! Now, other than the fact that it is pretty unique we both wondered, “Why would someone mount a turbo kit at the back of a vehicle?

Here are a few things that I’ve learned so far from various forums and magazines:

  1. Mounting in the back creates more room under the hood.
  2. The heat generated by the turbo and extra piping isn’t concentrated under the hood thus lowering the engine temperature.
  3. It helps to remove weight from the front of the vehicle to the rear so that it is easier to achieve the 50/50 weight distribution.
  4. The extra tubing lowers the temperature from the turbo therefore acting as an intercooler.
  5. Having the turbo in the rear makes the engine look a little more “original” and less cramped.
  6. There is virtually no turbo lag with a rear mounted turbo.
  7. For all you green people: the rear turbo actually produces cleaner emissions.

If you’re wondering what it looks like I found this picture through It is the STS kit for a C6 Corvette.

I ran a search and the only place that I have seen this is by Squires Turbo Systems. I also found an article from Chevy High Performance. Pretty neat way to hide an additional couple hundred ponies.